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Expanded MEtal
Expanded metal is a metal produced from a solid metal sheet. That goes through a process of cutting and stretching resulting in a mesh with diamond-shaped spaces.
Metalrise Enterprise the Premier Supplier of Expanded Metal Mesh Products, Metalrise Enterprise has unmatched expertise and knowledge of expanded metal capabilities and applications like Catwalks, Car Park Ramps, Wall Dividers, Gates, Floor Plastering, Fence Building, Furniture, Wall Facades, and many more!
We constantly innovate and produce new patterns, products and applications to increase the understanding and capabilites of Expanded Metal throughout different industries by building on existing patters and introducing to new markets the benefits of Expanded Metal Mesh.Expanded Metal being so versatile replaces a lot of more expensive metal products. Metalrise Enterprise is the leading supplier of Expanded Metal in Metro Manila, Philippines.
HOW to conduct measurements
Expanded MEtal Catalog
Expanded metal sheet product video
Contact Us
312 Reparo Road Potrero, Malabon8am -5pm(02) 8362-1295 / (02) 8364-7120 / (02) 8475-6867 / 0922-8358288
Metalrise Enterprise © 2019